Hayabusa Mobile Legends: Mastering the Shadow Assassin’s Dance


Hayabusa Mobile Legends: ??????????
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Overview of Hayabusa

Hayabusa, the Shadow of Iga, is a highly agile Assassin hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, known for his exceptional mobility and burst damage capabilities. Excelling in the Side Lane or Jungle role, this hero possesses a moderate difficulty level, requiring precise timing and positioning to maximize his effectiveness. With a background steeped in mystery and mastery of ninjutsu, this hero is a formidable force on the battlefield.

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Abilities Breakdown

Passive: Ninjutsu: Shadow Heal

Hayabusa’s passive, Ninjutsu: Shadow Heal, allows him to heal a percentage of his HP whenever his Shadow consumes a target.

Tips for Maximizing Effectiveness:

  • Utilize your Shadow wisely to trigger Shadow Heal during engagements, ensuring sustained survivability.
  • Manage your Shadow’s positioning to optimize healing while dealing damage to enemies.

First Skill: Quad Shadow

Quad Shadow enables this hero to summon multiple shadows to attack enemies and dash in a designated direction, dealing damage to enemies he passes through.

Usage Tips and Best Scenarios:

  • Use Quad Shadow aggressively to engage on enemies, surprise opponents, or escape from dangerous situations.
  • Aim to hit multiple enemies with Quad Shadow to maximize damage output and mobility.

Combos Involving This Skill:

  • Combine Quad Shadow with Phantom Shuriken and Ougi: Shadow Kill to execute swift assassination combos.

Second Skill: Phantom Shuriken

Phantom Shuriken allows this hero to throw a shuriken in a specified direction, dealing damage to enemies hit and reducing their physical defense.

Strategic Usage:

  • Use Phantom Shuriken to poke enemies from a safe distance, weaken their defenses, and set up for a follow-up engagement.
  • Prioritize squishy targets or low-health enemies to maximize Phantom Shuriken’s effectiveness in securing kills.

Combos and Synergies:

  • Follow up Phantom Shuriken with Quad Shadow to quickly close the gap and unleash a deadly burst combo on unsuspecting enemies.

Ultimate: Ougi: Shadow Kill

Ougi: Shadow Kill is this hero’s ultimate ability, allowing him to dash to a target enemy and deal multiple strikes of damage. After a short delay, this hero returns to his original position.

Best Use Cases:

  • Utilize Ougi: Shadow Kill to finish off low-health enemies, escape from dangerous situations, or reposition during team fights.
  • Coordinate with your team to initiate or follow up on engagements using Ougi: Shadow Kill’s burst damage potential.

Synergies with Other Skills and Team Fights:

  • Combine Ougi: Shadow Kill with Quad Shadow and Phantom Shuriken to unleash devastating burst damage combos and secure kills in team fights.

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Build Guide

  1. Raptor Machete – Provides bonus damage to jungle monsters and enhances this hero’s jungle clearing speed.
  2. Magic Shoes – Grants cooldown reduction, allowing this hero to spam his abilities more frequently.
  3. Blade of Despair – Increases physical attack and provides a significant boost to damage against low-health enemies.
  4. Blade of the Heptaseas – Enhances physical attack and movement speed, improving this hero’s mobility and damage output.
  5. Endless Battle – Grants bonus physical attack, lifesteal, and true damage, synergizing well with this hero’s kit for sustained engagements.

Situational Items

  • Queen’s Wings – Provides a shield and damage reduction when this hero’s HP falls below a certain threshold, enhancing his survivability in team fights.
  • Immortality – Grants a second life upon death, allowing this hero to continue fighting and potentially turn the tide of battle.

Emblems and Talents

Optimal Emblem Set:

  • Assassin Emblem

Best Talents:

  • Bounty Hunter: Increases gold and experience gained from kills, accelerating this hero’s item progression.
  • High and Dry: Enhances damage dealt to enemies with less than 50% HP, synergizing well with this hero’s burst damage playstyle.

Battle Spells


  • Retribution: Enhances jungle clearing speed and secures buffs for this hero, allowing him to gain an early advantage in the game.
  • Execute: Provides additional burst damage to secure kills on low-health enemies, complementing Hayabusa’s assassination capabilities.

Situational Choices:

  • Purify: Removes crowd control effects, allowing this hero to escape from dangerous situations or continue dealing damage uninterrupted.

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Gameplay Strategy

Early Game

  • Clear jungle camps efficiently with Retribution and secure buffs to gain an early advantage.
  • Gank lanes opportunistically and apply pressure on enemies with well-timed engages using Quad Shadow and Phantom Shuriken.

Mid Game

  • Roam and assist teammates in securing objectives like turrets and the Turtle, utilizing this hero’s burst damage to secure kills.
  • Maintain vision control and map awareness to avoid enemy ambushes and secure objectives safely.

Late Game

  • Split push lanes and apply pressure on enemy structures, creating opportunities for your team to secure objectives like the Lord or inhibitors.
  • Position yourself strategically in team fights, targeting priority squishy targets with Ougi: Shadow Kill to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Tips and Tricks

Advanced Mechanics

  • Master the timing and positioning of your abilities to maximize burst damage and mobility.
  • Use your shadows creatively to confuse enemies and outmaneuver opponents during engagements.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overcommitting to fights without vision or backup, leading to unnecessary deaths and lost objectives.
  • Failing to prioritize targets or mismanaging cooldowns, resulting in missed opportunities for kills or escapes.

Pro Tips

  • Coordinate with your team to set up ambushes and capitalize on enemy mistakes, leveraging Hayabusa’s burst damage potential.
  • Maintain pressure on enemy lanes and jungle camps to deny resources and control the pace of the game.

Counters and Synergies


  • Heroes with crowd control and burst damage to quickly eliminate Hayabusa before he can deal significant damage.
  • Strategies to mitigate counter effects and outplay opponents with superior positioning and timing.


  • Heroes that can provide vision and crowd control to set up kills for Hayabusa, such as tanks or supports with crowd control abilities.
  • Effective team compositions and strategies to maximize synergy and capitalize on Hayabusa’s assassination potential.

Frequently Asked Questions on Map Objectives and Control

What is the best build for Hayabusa?

The best build for Hayabusa typically includes items that enhance his physical attack, cooldown reduction, and burst damage. Core items might include Raptor Machete, Magic Shoes, Blade of Despair, Blade of the Heptaseas, and Endless Battle.

How do I maximize Hayabusa’s assassination potential?

To maximize Hayabusa’s assassination potential, prioritize targets with low health or squishy carries, utilizing your mobility and burst damage to quickly eliminate them before they can react.

What are Hayabusa’s main weaknesses?

Hayabusa’s main weaknesses lie in his squishiness and susceptibility to crowd control. He relies heavily on his mobility to engage and disengage, making him vulnerable when his abilities are on cooldown.

How can I counter Hayabusa’s split pushing tactics?

To counter Hayabusa’s split pushing tactics, maintain vision control and map awareness to anticipate his movements. Coordinate with your team to collapse on him when he overextends, denying him objectives and potential kills.

What are the best team compositions for Hayabusa?

Hayabusa synergizes well with heroes that can provide vision and crowd control to set up kills for him. Effective team compositions include heroes like tanks or supports with crowd control abilities, allowing Hayabusa to capitalize on his burst damage potential.


Recap of Key Points

  • Summary of Hayabusa’s strengths, strategies, and build recommendations.

Final Thoughts

  • Encouragement to practice and refine skills to master Hayabusa and become a deadly assassin on the battlefield.
  • Hayabusa’s potential to carry games and secure victory in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Additional Resources

Videos and Tutorials

  • Links to top-tier gameplay videos and tutorials for further learning and tips.

Community and Forums

  • Forums and discussion groups where players can share experiences, strategies, and ask questions to improve their Hayabusa gameplay.

This comprehensive guide will help you master Hayabusa in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, covering his abilities, builds, gameplay strategies, and more. Happy gaming!

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